Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)

Terms of Reference


Neighbourhood planning enables communities to shape the areas in which they live and work.  A Neighbourhood Plan is being prepared for Droitwich Spa using powers introduced in the Localism Act 2011.  Once finalised, the Neighbourhood Plan, along with the South Worcestershire Development Plan and any other material considerations, will be applied by Wychavon District Council when taking decisions on planning applications in the town.  In this way the Neighbourhood Plan will have statutory weight in shaping the future of Droitwich, differing from the previous Town Plan which was advisory.

The Neighbourhood Plan will cover the Town Council’s administrative area – which was designated for this purpose as a ‘Neighbourhood Area’ by Wychavon District Council in January 2017.

Aligning with the strategic policies of the South Worcestershire Development Plan, the Neighbourhood Plan will set out a positive vision for how Droitwich will develop in the period up to 2041.  The vision will guide neighbourhood planning policies on new development, on things like housing, design and the town centre, to address local needs and requirements.  The Plan will also include policies providing more detail on how key sites in and around the town centre, such as the Canal Basin, should be developed. 

Communities that take a proactive approach by drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan and securing the consent of local people in a referendum, will benefit from 25 percent of the revenues from the Community Infrastructure Levy arising from the development that takes place in the area.



Frequently asked questions

What is the Neighbourhood Plan?

 A statutory planning document to guide decisions on land use and development in Droitwich Spa. It will add local detail to existing planning policies in the South Worcestershire Development Plan.
 Wychavon District Council will use the Neighbourhood Plan to guide its decisions on planning applications in the town, alongside the South Worcestershire Development Plan.
 Landowners and developers will have to take the Neighbourhood Plan into account if they want planning permission for their projects.

Who is involved in its preparation?

The Neighbourhood Plan is being prepared by a Steering Group made up of Town Councillors and residents, with some professional support.

Why are we preparing the Neighbourhood Plan?

To set out a positive vision for how we want Droitwich Spa to develop and grow in the period up to 2041. The Plan will include practical policies to help deliver that vision, by guiding development and protecting the environment.

What topics will the Neighbourhood Plan address?

The Neighbourhood Plan can include policies on any relevant aspect of land use and development – but it cannot promote less development than is already allowed for in the South Worcestershire Development Plan, or which has planning permission.

What is the process for developing the NDP?

 Consultation – including through the launch event.
 Drafting the Plan – developing policies to deliver what you want to see. Once the Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared, there will be a further opportunity for discussion, with a six-week consultation period.
 Submission to Wychavon District Council, with further consultation, followed by an independent examination and a referendum. If a majority of those who vote agree, the Neighbourhood Plan will be adopted as part of the statutory planning framework.


Reference Documents

Communications & Content