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The Crest of Droitwich Spa Council

Droitwich Spa Town Council

Can I attend meetings of the council?

Yes, all meetings of the council and its committees must be open to the general public and the press, except in very exceptional circumstances. The time and place of meetings are advertised beforehand – on the parish noticeboard and town council website. The Clerk will be able to give you details of forthcoming meetings although in Droitwich Spa these usually are on Monday evenings and start at 6pm in the Council Chamber at St Richard’s House in Victoria Square. The Calendar of Meetings for the current year is available here: Calendar of meetings 2024-25

Committee and Full Council Meetings held at St Richard’s House will now be streamed live on YouTube channel @droitwichspatowncouncil. Search ‘Droitwich Spa Town Council’ on YouTube to watch future meetings live, or to catch up and watch previous meetings streamed. Click here Droitwich Spa Town Council – YouTube

Can I speak at the meeting?

You cannot speak while the normal business of the meeting is being conducted. However, it is good practice (which nearly all councils follow) to allow some time at the meeting when members of the public may address the council on an issue that concerns them. In Droitwich Spa this is at 5.45pm normally and the Questiontime Session lasts for 15 minutes. Questions have to be registered with the Clerk by 1pm on the day of the meeting.

Can I see the minutes of council meetings and other papers?

Under the Freedom of Information Act 200 you may see and have a copy of the ‘recorded’ information held by the council (unless it is classed as exempt information in the Act). This includes reports, minutes, correspondence and emails. The information has to be provided within 20 working days. There may be a photocopying charge.

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